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Project Title


This is a 2D isometric game that target audience who enjoy casual game and puns in video game. Player start out as a robot agent who had lost his memories. He is posses ability to swap memory with other and gain ability of the person he swapped with.

Team Role


Team Size

Gameplay Programmer

6 months


Game Engine






Create character movement and control so player can smooth game play. Implementing double jump and dashes that help player to traverse through platform. Lastly create particles when player running/jumping or whenever there is action done.

Problem Encounter:

Control wasn't smooth enough which create frustration 


Found out that console controller and keyboard user need different mapping for controls. When designing control for console player with have to reuse the buttons as much as possible instead of creating confusing combination of buttons because controller have limited button compared to keyboards.


Implement UI that guide player how to activate skills or show player's current status. Making sure player don't have to keep refer to the controls page and status such as current ability or current health left is clear to the player. 

Problem Encounter:

Player get confused and keep forgetting about the controls.


We have to display UI by guessing player's intention. Example when player go close to the object, we will display on button that allow player to interact with the object so player won't have to search for that button and understand what he could do with the object.


Creating character movement with its animation using state machine in Unity. Player should see the animation they expected when there is movement done by the character. 

Problem Encounter:

As more animation and state is added on, the state tree become more and more complicated to add in new state.


There is no best solution to prevent it from getting complicated. However, if we planned out how the state can link to each other in earlier stage, we could as least understand the connect of each state better. Understand the flow of the state machine allow us to added new state easier and not bug the animation.

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